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関連作品 keys サイト名 BPM 曲ジャンル
16 Glaciate 5 aconite field 192 Artcore
44 Over the frail dream 7 M-N-Outside 200 Happy Trance Core
30 Illumination of the sky 5 Sea-Bird's HP
13 Over the frail dream 5 AOZORABORATORY 200 Happy Trance Core
582 Stellate Lights 7 あいすエリア12 200 Drum'n'bass, Techno Pop
65 Springtime 11 Prologue's Works 140
6 Over the frail dream 5 ダラダラズ・グループ 200 Happy Trance Core
47 Glaciate 5 A lot of space 192 Artcore
79 Decipher 7 AOZORABORATORY 146
112 Imaginary Sky 7 Crepe Curtain 170 Artronica
27 Magnificence 5 Sea-Bird's HP 130-160
8 materialize 5 たんぽぽ、ふらここ。 124
6 Last Tears 5 気長にSudden 174-180
45 Fleeting Fantasy Extras 散らかった本棚 200 Happy Trance Core
99 Skyscape 7,11 Cross Walker 180 Future Pop
117 Over the frail dream 7 おにぎり☆ぼっくす 200 Happy Trance Core
12 Fleeting Fantasy (X) 5,7 Cross Walker 200 Happy Trance Core
101 Over the frail dream 5 気紛れ書物 200 Happy Trance Core
5 Snow Light Night 5 secret room 150
27 Over the frail dream 5 NAOTOPage 200 Happy Trance Core


使用作品 BPM Times 曲ジャンル
2639 Canopus 144 2:50
7808 Creating
2728 cristaux de glace 2:44
2767 Decipher 146 3:23
6808 Dreamtronica 148 3:24 Ambient, Electronica
7813 Everlasting
2920 Fall Memories 140 3:01
7815 Flamme Bleue 150-180
2949 Fleeting Fantasy 200 2:28 Happy Trance Core
7176 Fomalhaut 142 2:07
6926 Glaciate 192 2:38 Artcore
3008 Glide
7609 Illumination of the sky 2:00
3121 Imaginary Sky 170 5:07 Artronica
3141 Interceptor
8705 Last Tears 174-180
3236 Liberate 86 2:30
3243 Little Pleasures 128 2:23 Epic House
3246 Lively Days 128 3:16 Instrumental Pops
7607 Magnificence 130-160 1:56
3304 materialize 124 2:08
3431 Over the frail dream 200 1:32 Happy Trance Core
8539 Precious Wonder 140 3:31
3504 Quadruple 150 2:34 Techno
3567 Ring 100 3:42 Artcore
3661 Skyscape 180 2:40 Future Pop
3671 Snow Light Night 150 2:06
3703 Springtime 140 3:00
7014 Stellate Lights 200 3:43 Drum'n'bass, Techno Pop
7738 The end of the Tale 2:45
4380 スウィート・ブレンド 2:13 VOCALOID, 初音ミク
4616 ルナー・リフレクション 180 4:19 VOCALOID, 初音ミク, Artcore