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関連作品 keys サイト名 BPM 曲ジャンル
54 Winter Movement 11 chip creation 160
335 Eagle 7 おにぎり☆ぼっくす 150
64 fairy floss 7i chip creation 170
28 Evigilans 5,7 chip creation 154
45 Utopia 7 chip creation 137
14 Prayer for beatification 5,7 chip creation 135
62 Chronostasis 7i chip creation 188
77 11 in the ◇(2017 Remaster) 9B 散らかった本棚 275
49 ELECTROCUTiON 7 chip creation 147
18 Rebellion 7,9B chip creation 186
52 Trump♠card 7 chip creation 195
47 The Emperor 7 chip creation 160
27 The Tropical Dances 7 chip creation 155
87 Neptune teleportation 9B chip creation 150
36 Luftspiegelung(Dancing Onigiri mix) 5 chip creation 177
26 Ruin 7,7i,11 chip creation 225
23 sin42cos4 7 chip creation 200
32 VOID 5 chip creation 180
72 Megaton◇Pancake 12 chip creation 215
38 VEDRFELNIR OF YGGDRASIL 7i chip creation 161


使用作品 BPM Times 曲ジャンル
7891 179 2:30
6986 11 in the ◇ 2:24
7801 11 in the ◇ (Bonus mix) 3:01
7842 11 in the ◇(2017 Remaster) 275 2:14
7057 Aether spot 185 2:41
7109 Ascending current 147 2:23
2523 Atmosphere entry 171 2:35 NRG
8338 ATNEMENTA 160 2:28
2581 Black Labyrinth
7887 BLAQUARTZ 195 2:08
7067 Caeruleus 181 2:04
8764 caramel-syrup 169 2:16
7062 Catastrophe(pianocontemporary mix) 147 2:28
7888 Chronostasis 188 2:52
7883 Compression 100 2:07
2706 cookie clicker
2722 Creation 197 3:34
8766 Dawn of Ruin 211 2:17
2806 Doughty Unicorn
7114 Drop 152 2:42
2829 Eagle 150 3:21
7115 ELECTROCUTiON 147 2:18
2842 Electronic circuit
7065 Evigilans 154 2:50
7890 fairy floss 170 2:30
7108 Fantasy world 168 2:42
2968 Force of Focus
9200 Fragrant blue 2:35
7073 heaven's daybreak 156 2:50
7889 HYPERSP4CE CRUSHER 156 2:28
6670 ikaruga 250 2:03
7066 ion 145 3:44
3251 LooP
7071 LooPer 138 3:36
7070 Luftspiegelung(Dancing Onigiri mix) 177 2:52
3308 MaxiMuM dawn 204 2:22
6993 MaxiMuM plum 204 2:14
8761 Megaton◇Pancake 215 2:35
6997 MODE:N 150 2:19
7107 Nachfolger 150 3:29
7885 Nasty one 157 2:08
8771 Neptune teleportation 150 2:36
7061 neutron breaker
9067 Neverending 133-266 5:28
3384 Noctes album 170 3:21
3425 Overcome The Universe
7879 Plastic Hanging Garden 192 4:20
3488 Prayer for beatification 135 2:06
7881 Quintessence 199 5:03
7058 raison d'etre 188 3:31
6995 Rebellion 186 2:33
6996 Red Flame 260 2:27
3557 Retributive justice 195 4:11
7063 Ruin 225 3:00
3613 Sanctuary
7886 Schraubstock 180 2:20
7892 shotapop candy 179 2:30
7060 sin42cos4 200 2:46
7112 Sound Sphere 129 2:45
7877 Space traveler 145 2:29
7116 Spica 205 3:26
7059 Spring oasis 138 2:55
3751 Summer vacation(full ver.)
7113 The Emperor 160 2:58
8760 the Quintessence 199 2:02
7064 The Tropical Dances 155 3:44
7878 Trump♠card 195 2:16
7110 twilight diadem 206 2:29
7111 Utopia 137 4:10
6994 VERMILION VORTEX 157 3:05
7884 Virtual image 146 2:31
7068 VOID 180 2:13
3918 Whirlwind 156 2:32
7880 Winter Movement 160 2:52
7785 XFD1048576 217 2:15
8763 Xronoseeker 150 2:21
8768 Z◇D1AC S1GN 275 2:03
8762 ΛENGEVNCE 199 2:40
7893 からふるセカイ 210 2:46
7894 千日紅 150 2:23
7882 孤独の旅人 2:23
7069 宵闇の向日葵 85 2:17