キーボードを使ったリズムゲーム、Dancing☆Onigiriが遊べます。「曲名」をクリックして、ゲームスタート! getFlashPlayer
9A/9Bkey:8作品(10譜面)、11/11Lkey:18作品(23譜面)、 Others:18作品(23譜面)公開中!
<キー数>全部 <カテゴリー>全部 -> [ ランダムプレイ! ( 別ウィンドウ ) ]

>> Dancing☆Onigiriの遊び方はこちらから! ( チュートリアル[外部リンク] )
   [ 補足: 11/11LkeyにおけるMovレベルについて ]

>> キー別にプレイする作品を選ぶ場合はこちら!
   5key(15) / 7key(67) / 7ikey(21) / 8key(2) / 9Akey(3) / 9Bkey(5) /
   11key(15) / 11Lkey(3) / 12key(6) / Extras(10)

キー数 / カテゴリー / 並び替え1 / 並び替え2 / 曲名・作曲者名:
108作品198譜面がヒットしました。 [ 曲名オンマウスで製作者コメント。備考の★マークは外部サイトへ。難易度で背景赤の譜面は3つ押し以上を含みます。 ]
Music Name (Let's Dance!) Artist (敬称略) keys Difficulty Mov BPM Time Update Remark
108 あわててないもん、天使だもんっ!! さんうさぎ 9d Panic 15 208 2:20 24/02/29
107 Outernoid Aoi 7 Normal 4 172 1:58 24/01/06 [多鍵祭'23W]
Hard 8
Orbital 17
9d Very Hard 9
106 POLYBIUS GB SPEEDRUN (Glitchless 100% WR in 0:03:57) かめりあ 11W Hackathon 9 198 4:03 23/12/30 [多鍵祭'23W]
Speedrunner 15
105 Antifact Artishaft optic chæin 7 Hyper 5 160 2:03 [多鍵祭'23W]
Very Hard 10
Artifact[★12] 16
104 Fragrant blue chip 9B Fragrance 15 2:35 23/12/29 [多鍵祭'23W]
103 大樹の軌跡 まつもとたくや / ioni 7i Hard 6 112 0:56 [多鍵祭'23W]
Path 17
102 プラネタリウムガーデン まんぼう二等兵 7i Supernova[☆16] 18 160 3:42 [多鍵祭'23W]
101 Swifter Charge!!!! Potwi 7i For c 18 110-165 2:24 23/08/19 [多鍵祭'23]
100 Neverending chip 7 Decade 7 133-266 5:28 23/08/15 [多鍵祭'23]
99 アンドロイドガール DECO*27 7 Reboot[★3] 8 192 3:31 22/12/30 [多鍵祭'22W]
98 +ERABY+E CONNEC+10N かめりあ 7 I/O 16 230 5:10 [多鍵祭'22W]
97 Phantasy Story 四葉かげろう 7 S七ory 4 145 5:03 22/12/29 [多鍵祭'22W]
96 t/a/n/a/s/i/n/n かめりあ 12 Very Hard 14 521 3:24 [多鍵祭'22W]
tanasinn 17
95 ネコンダクター ぬこかぜ (lumo) 7i Neco[☆14] 12 192-200 4:23 22/08/14 [多鍵祭'22]
For c[☆16] 19
94 optic chæin optic chæin 7 optic chæin[★9] 13 199 2:30 [多鍵祭'22]
optic chæin- 8
93 poP!steP!!jumP!!! HiLi 11 Adventure 8 E 90-140 4:07 22/08/13 [多鍵祭'22]
92 theyaremanycolors Frums 7 #0000FF[☆10] 5 180-240 2:45 [多鍵祭'22]
#00FF00[★8] 10
#FF0000[★14] 18
#FFFFFF[★17] 21
91 エネルギー黎明~地霊達の帰宅 Medley.edt 干瓢碁 7 Vestige 7 140 6:07 22/06/24
90 ENGRAM まんぼう二等兵 12 Hard 10 150 2:40 22/06/15
Engram 16
7i Another[☆15] 17
12 The Engram 19
89 しゅわしゅわハニーレモン350ml しゃろう 7 Normal 3 125 1:40 22/05/01
11 Fizzy[★10] 16
9d Honey Lemon 8
88 SUMMER TRIANGLE しゃろう 7 Normal[☆3] 2 175 2:11 22/04/18
Hard[★5] 9
Asterism[★13] 18
87 Neptune teleportation chip 9B Hard[☆12] 6 150 2:36 22/02/13
Very Hard[☆15] 13
Neptune[☆16] 18
23 Another 14
86 いんせくと! Nota 11L Normal[☆8] 4 192 2:02 22/01/08 [多鍵祭'21R]
Hard[★5] 10
Lunatic[★15] 21
16i Hyper 4
Very Hard 7
85 T+ VS SHARK t+pazolite 7 OMG[★12] 16 200 2:50 21/12/30 [多鍵祭'21R]
84 ロリキート ~Flat design~ 黄泉路テヂーモ 7i Rainbow[☆14] 11 182 4:31 [多鍵祭'21R]
83 Disintegrate of Eden seatrus 7i Hyper 5 230 2:02 [多鍵祭'21R]
Hard[☆14] 10
Very Hard[☆15] 14
For c[☆16] 20
82 Arcana Clavis iole 7 Iolite 8 160 1:57 21/12/29 [多鍵祭'21R]
81 Z◇D1AC S1GN chip 11 16 F+ 275 2:03 21/08/14
◇[★14] 21 G
5 Aries[★13] 20
80 Reflect まんぼう二等兵 7 Qualified[★5] 9 170 2:33 21/08/12 [多鍵祭'21]
79 タイムチェイス かずち 7i Hi-speed[☆13] 8 180 1:31 [多鍵祭'21]
78 Dawn of Ruin chip 5 Dawn[★9] 15 211 2:17 21/08/14
Ruin[★12] 18
9B Another 19
77 I.Q. iole 7 Hyper 4 201 2:11 21/01/17
Hard 7
Intelligence 11
Quint 15
8 Another 12
76 caramel-syrup chip 11 bitter 15 F 169 2:16 20/12/31
12 Another 16
75 冬空プラネタリウム muhmue 7 Procyon 7 143 4:42 20/10/26
74 Xronoseeker chip 11 Hard[☆10] 5 D 150 2:21 20/08/15
7 Chrono[★5] 9
12 Another 6
73 ΛENGEVNCE chip 7 VENGEANCE[★8] 12 199 2:40 [多鍵祭'20]
12 Another 12
72 Megaton◇Pancake chip 11W MEGA 12 215 2:35 20/08/13
12 Leggendaria 17
71 the Quintessence chip 7i For c[☆16] 18 199 2:02 [多鍵祭'20]
70 XFD1048576 chip 7 ふぁらん's very hard 17 217 2:14 18/08/15 [多鍵祭'18]
7i Another[☆14] 12
Another Plus 13
11 #DIV/0![★13] 18
69 Aether spot chip 7 izkdic's Normal 3 185 2:37 18/04/22
Aether 8
Innocence 13
9B Nostalgia 10
68 千日紅 chip 11L Iolite 8 D 150 2:22 23/05/07 [多鍵祭'17]
11W Another 11
67 からふるセカイ chip 7 iridescence[★1] 7 210 2:46 17/11/25 [多鍵祭'17]
66 11 in the ◇(2017 Remaster) chip 7 Jack 10 275 2:12 [多鍵祭'17]
The End[★16] 20
65 shotapop candy chip 11 aki[★11] 17 F+ 179 2:30 17/11/24 [多鍵祭'17]
11L haru 11 E
64 fairy floss [IA] chip 7i fluffy 25 170 2:30 17/07/16
63 HYPERSP4CE CRUSHER chip 7 HYPER 8 156 2:27 17/07/02
9A Another 14
62 Chronostasis chip 7i Chronos[☆14] 12 188 2:50 17/06/17 [7i-10th企画]
61 BLAQUARTZ chip 5 WHITE 4 195 2:07 17/05/17
60 Schraubstock [IA] chip 7 Crush 40 180 2:20 17/03/05
59 Nasty one chip 7 Hyper[☆10] 5 157 2:04 17/02/11
Hard[★3] 8
Nasty[★9] 13
58 Virtual image chip 5 concave lens[★9] 12 146 2:29 16/08/13 [多鍵祭'16]
7 convex lens[★4] 8
57 Compression [IA] chip 7 strain 33 100 2:07 16/08/12 [多鍵祭'16]
56 孤独の旅人 chip 7 chip[★6] 10 2:21 [多鍵祭'16]
55 Quintessence chip 7 Hard[★1] 7 199 5:00 16/04/01
The Quintessence[★14] 18
April Fool 17
54 Winter Movement [IA] chip 11 hard 30 E- 160 2:52 15/12/13
very hard 40 F
53 Plastic Hanging Garden chip 7i Gardening[☆14] 13 192 4:20 15/11/14 [多鍵祭'15]
For c[☆15] 16
52 Trump♠card chip 7 Ace[★6] 10 195 2:14 15/08/05
Trump card[★14] 18
51 Space traveler chip 11 travel[★8] 14 F+ 145 2:26 15/05/12
50 Spica chip 5 Denebola[★13] 16 205 3:24 15/04/01
7i Arcturus[☆15] 16
7 Spica[★12] 16
49 ELECTROCUTiON [IA] chip 7 Thunderbolt[★7] 31 147 2:18 15/03/11
48 Drop [IA] chip 11 hard 20 C 152 2:42 15/02/21
47 The Emperor chip 7 Kaiser[★12] 16 160 2:58 15/01/26
46 Sound Sphere [IA] chip 7i normal 6 129 2:45 15/01/12
hard 24
45 Utopia chip 7 ideal[★1] 7 137 4:07 15/01/05 [冬'14]
44 twilight diadem chip 7 twilight[★7] 32 206 2:27 15/01/02 [冬'14]
43 Ascending current [IA] chip 5 Rising 23 147 2:23 [冬'14]
7 Ascension 29
42 Fantasy world [IA] chip 7 Fantasy 17 168 2:42 [冬'14]
41 Nachfolger chip 7 Hard[★4] 8 150 3:23 14/12/26
40 11 in the ◇ chip 11 Ace[★7] 13 E 2:21 14/11/11
Joker[★15] 21 G
39 heaven's daybreak chip 7 Hard[★2] 7 156 2:47 14/09/19 [RoY'13]
Ascension[★12] 16
38 VEDRFELNIR OF YGGDRASIL chip 7i World Tree[☆13] 9 161 3:06 [RoY'13]
37 LooPer chip 7i HooP 5 138 3:28 [RoY'13]
7 LooP 5
36 Luftspiegelung(Dancing Onigiri mix) [IA] chip 5 Mirage 16 177 2:52 [RoY'13]
35 ikaruga [IA] chip 7 chip[★11] 41 250 2:03 14/08/31 [ダンフレ]
34 宵闇の向日葵 [IA] chip 7i Normal 3 85 2:17 14/08/21
33 Atmosphere entry chip 7 Energy[★9] 13 171 2:26 14/08/01
32 VOID [IA] chip 5 zero[★12] 44 180 2:13 14/07/13
31 Eagle chip 11 condor[★11] 17 F+ 150 3:21 14/06/24
7 albatross 11
30 Caeruleus chip 7 Hard 8 181 2:02 14/06/01
Insane[★10] 14
9A Another[☆14] 12
29 ion chip 7 atom[★5] 9 145 3:41 14/05/16
28 Evigilans chip 5 Hyper 6 154 2:47 14/04/21
7 Hard[★3] 8
27 The Tropical Dances chip 7 Tropical[★9] 13 155 3:41 14/04/01
Hard[★4] 8
26 Ruin chip 7i 7i[☆15] 15 225 2:58
7 7[★9] 13
11 11[★7] 13 E+
25 Catastrophe(pianocontemporary mix) [IA] chip 7 hard 17 147 2:28 14/03/16
24 neutron breaker [geo] chip 5 neutron 25 14/02/09
23 sin42cos4 [geo] chip 7 tanθ 18 200 2:46 14/02/01 [DOYF]
22 Spring oasis chip 5 Normal 1 138 2:53 [DOYF]
7 Hyper 2
21 raison d'etre chip 7 Hard[★3] 8 188 3:29 [DOYF]
Existence[★15] 19
20 MODE:N [geo] chip 7i n=7 22 150 2:19 14/01/25
19 Red Flame chip 11 Flame[★11] 17 F 260 2:25 14/01/05
9A Blaze[☆14] 11
23 Hellfire 19
18 Rebellion chip 7 7-p 8 186 2:31 13/12/26
9B 9-p[☆13] 8
17 VERMILION VORTEX [geo] chip 7 VV 37 157 3:05 13/12/08
16 MaxiMuM plum chip 11 Very Hard[★5] 11 E- 204 2:10 13/11/17
7i Another[☆14] 10
15 Creation [geo] chip 7 Creation 43 197 3:34 13/11/10 [多鍵祭'13]
14 Prayer for beatification [geo] chip 5 normal 4 135 2:06 13/11/07
7 hyper 8
11R hard 15
13 MaxiMuM dawn [geo] chip 7 hard 24 204 2:22 13/10/27
12 Noctes album [geo] chip 5 hyper 7 170 3:21 13/10/12
11 Retributive justice [geo] chip 7 hard 17 195 4:11 13/10/05
Nemesis 36
10 cookie clicker [IA] chip 7 hyper 10 13/09/23
9 Whirlwind chip 7 Squall 7 156 2:32 13/09/21
Windstorm[★11] 15
7 Tempest[★13] 17
5 Another[★9] 12
8 Black Labyrinth [IA] chip 7 breakthrough 28 [RoY'12]
7 Overcome The Universe [IA] chip 7 hard 19 [RoY'12]
universe 39
6 LooP [IA] chip 5 Hard 16 [RoY'12]
5 Force of Focus [geo] chip 7 very hard 37 13/09/11
4 Doughty Unicorn [IA] chip 7 Unicorn 27 13/08/11
3 Summer vacation(full ver.) [IA] chip 7 hard[★3] 24 [夏'13]
2 Sanctuary [IA] chip 7 very hard 31 13/08/13 [夏'13]
1 Electronic circuit [IA] chip 7 hard 19 13/07/21
